James Ellis
James Ellis is a Cardiff based artist & journalist & owner of Weeping Tudor Productions, a theatre company focusing on music theatre/lost gems/new work & LGBT pieces and was a guest host on Death By DVD in 2023.
Appears in 4 Episodes

Infinity Crimes or : How I Learned To Eat Plastic and Not Be A Sucky Baby
It's CRONENBERG vs CRONENBERG on this episode! David Cronenberg's CRIMES OF THE FUTURE (2022) and Brandon Cronenberg's INFINITY POOL (2023) discussed on this fresh fro...

Friedkin Crazy : Death By DVD does the work of William Friedkin - CRUISING
We go CRUISING on this episode! The infamous, legendary 1980 American Giallo directed by WILLIAM FRIEDKIN is discussed on this fresh from the grave episode of Death By...

The Angelo Badalamenti Valentines Day Memorial Show
On this episode we memorialize the late great Angelo Badalamenti, legendary composer. Though most remember him fondly for composing the delightful music of Twin Peaks,...

Friedkin Crazy : Death By DVD does the work of William Friedkin - The Boys In The Band
The Boys In The Band, directed by William Friedkin and written by Mart Crowley discussed on this episode